About Us

Premento is a software development company focusing on providing Cloud and Mobile centric solutions. This is an initiative by a group of enthusiastic youngsters with a passion to code and innovate, and driven by free software culture and philosophy. We are striving to provide cost effective, platform independent and easily accessible software solutions. Premento is dedicated to providing customized solutions and quality service by maintaining highest standards of excellence. We offer our clients one stop business IT solutions

Our main focus is to create feature rich website designs and mobile apps that take your business to the next level. Let your business touch the sky of success and fame with our expert frameworks and agile methodologies. Premento refers to the spirit of youth. From web development and web designing to mobile apps, our creative and innovative engagement encompasses all areas of web development and design environments.

Our qualified and experienced developers have contributed to create industry benchmarks in different niche areas including custom apps, business apps, web apps, game apps and much more. Years of sustained focus and exposure in enterprise web solutions and mobile apps has set us apart as a truly future ready web and mobile apps developer company on the web.

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